fintexx solutions for SimCorp Dimension, SCD, Fondsbuchhaltung, Abgeltungsteuer, IFRS, Risk Management, swift, var, Basel II basel-ii, performance-measurement, portfolio-management, financial-software

fintexx company: SCD, SimCorp Dimension, IFRS, Fondsbuchhaltung, Basel II, Abgeltungsteuer, financial-software, Risk Management, portfolio-management, swift, var, basel-ii, performance-measurement

Founded in 2008, fintexx provides consulting and solutions for the financial sector.

fintexx main business drivers are the ongoing efficiency requirements and new financial regulations which results in ongoing projects to improve the operation process. Together with our clients we find more effective use of their financial technology to achieve business objectives. fintexx specialised in implementing financial software from front-office operation to the Back-office processes.

Our unique advantage is our know-how profile and our commitment to deliver effective solutions that meets clients needs.