fintexx solutions for SimCorp Dimension, SCD, Fondsbuchhaltung, Abgeltungsteuer, IFRS, Risk Management, swift, var, Basel II basel-ii, performance-measurement, portfolio-management, financial-software

fintexx banks: SCD, SimCorp Dimension, IFRS, Fondsbuchhaltung, Basel II, Abgeltungsteuer, financial-software, Risk Management, portfolio-management, swift, var, basel-ii, performance-measurement

An efficient IT solution is the core capital in Banking Business. On the one hand there is a high cost pressure in bulk retail banking. On the other hand individual products and solutions are needed to differentiate from the competitors. Globalization and harmonization in regulations by the European Union intensify this trend.

Another important aspect is the risk management which is not only to fulfill legal requirements like the solvency regulations or minimum requirements for risk management in accordance to Basel II. Recent times have shown that an efficient risk management is essential in banking business, covering areas like measuring the market risk of investments or monitoring trading restrictions.

With our experience we can deliver solutions for following parts of your banking business

Transaction Banking


Risk monitoring

Private wealth management